Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bowling at Times Square!

WOOHOO its Wednesday again! That means Student Activities day whereby the students have fun and the college pays for it. :P
Hahaha I love WEDNESDAYS!

We went for bowling at Times Square this week. I just played a little bit because I had to catch up with a primary school mate that has been separated with me for 5 whole years.

Ahh well, bowling was good, nearly got a strike but missed by a bottle. );
PS: Here's a waring, trim your nails before you bowl, I cracked my thumb nail.

 my adorable college mates. (: 

Caihui so bergaya. :D

After bowling, I walked home with WinSon, after listening to his story for the past 3years after he left high school, I realize how fortunate I am to be here at this right timing. I dont want to complain no more because I'm not even eligible to do something ridiculous like that. There's tons more unfortunate people out there, the rich, the poor, but there is something to learn from each and everyone. Being arrogant is just PLAIN STUPID. Complaining that you dont have enough is STUPID-er than ever. See things that you have, appreciate it and live like there's no tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DIY spike galaxy boots.

Fuuuuh I was supposed to be studying for my Physics quiz but this pair of white boots of mine looked so lonely so an idea just flashed into my head : DIY time! Heehee.

 These boots make such an awesome canvas.

I starting mixing dark pink+white and sky blue+white fabric paints together.
I took the shoelaces out and started dabbing the shoes with a sponge stained with light pink paint.
Then I stared blending in the blue to form a light purple colour.
The process was pretty fast, i just finished it in 15minutes.
I kinda regretted not mixing turquoise+white as well, but ahh the end product was still pretty satisfying.

After that I operated my spike band to take the spikes out. This spike band hs served me well but long enough, so I guess its about time I said goodbye to it.

 The spikes were screwed in real tight so I really had quite a hard time taking em out. T.T

 The next process was harder, trying to poke holes through the boots!
I first tried with needles, then pen knives and finally I just used my mum's fruit knife cus I really needed pretty big holes to let the spikes' screws penetrate into the boots. T.T
Just doing this spike thingy took me one whole hour. /_\

 Finally I painted the heels black with black fabric paint, this was kinda tricky also cus the heels are made of PVC.

And TAADAAA! The end product. (:
I'm going to wear it out as soon the paint dries up and I find a suitable occasion alright? :P
Stay tuned!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Pei Jie's 18th Birthday.

Our "BIG BOY" Pei Jie turns 18 today!
I still couldnt believe he's the eldest among the 1995's, he may look like the eldest but he's so playful and young at heart. :P

And well, I guess there's always this "ceremony" called aluba during every male's birthday. ._.
This is really my first time seeing it because I've been in pure girl school for the past 5years.
And well, it was..... unbearable to watch actually.
He rolled on the stage clinging to his *** for like 3minutes?

 Sally and I cut his birthday cake. :D

 Jamie. :D She's so nice.

 Caihui, heehee, we've been in the same tuition center, Tactics a year ago, our paths cross again at this point of our lives. :D

Ivy, CaiHui, YiYuan and Ain, the gang who loves to take photos at every toilet is the best way to describe em. :P

Thursday, January 17, 2013

College Life at TMC.

Im currently taking foundation in Science in TMC college, just right next to VIVA Home. (:
Im meeting new friends, new lecturers, new tasks, new environments etc.
Guess I'll have to start warming up to all these and start studying ON MY OWN.
My new friends say I dress like 2NE1. Ohh damn, Im so flattered. Pfft, just kidding. :P

Every Wednesday's our student activities day where out college pays to do whatever we choose to do. WOOHOO, Im so looking forward to every Wednesday :D
We went to watch Parental Guidance at VIVA, its was great!

 Hahahha Pei Jie and his dream girl. Ahh well, good luck. Pfft.

We had an English presentation today and I had a role as a ruffian dad who smokes and stuff. ._.
I stammered quite a lot and had butterflies in my stomach but still, it was a great experience. (:

college mates yo! (:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Swimming at Blacktown Leisure Centre.

 Heehee finally some exercise at Blacktown Swimming Leisure Centre club. The pool was dang awesome. It had artificial man-made waves, blown up toys, fountains, jacuzzi etc.

 flip flops for today!

The wave pool. :DDD

 Lap swimming, great for training  (:
 Kids pool.

 Kelvin and my niece, Yuki. :D

Yum face of satisfaction :B

 Seriously, she's adorable. I aint good with kids, but she's exceptional.