Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1st DIY Dreamcatcher.

 So my college mate, Ting bought this RM1 music note bracelet which was too big for her and she gave it to me instead of throwing it away and I did a little something out of it.

Yeah, its a dreamcatcher, a very simple one that didnt take me quite long but all the twisting and turning did give my fingers  few cuts. ):
But as long as the product is satisfying, who cares? Heh :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ENGLISH Drama Presentation! :D

Had the first English drama in college today, everyone else did a video but our group, but I had no regrets because I really had tons of fun being the director of out little "Fantastic Baby" drama.
We had flaws of course, nobody's perfect, but who cares as long as we had fun? :P

Well about the script, I didnt really break my head to think about it because I just combined all the epic stuff my gang in TMC have been through and threw a few dumb ideas into it, and yeah it ended out quite great. Heh.

 Wai Hoeng transformed into Taeyang. ._.

 And yeahhh, our epic Miss Lim. :D

 My group members! Special thanks to Aeiman for the recording it. (:

I cant help laughing watching it again and again.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chinese New Year UPDATE!

 Well I had a really satisfying and productive Chinese New Year this 2013. :D
Helped my mum with the decorations and all.

 Spent my Valentine's day with these girls hehheh, its been a while since I last met em. T.T
We watched "Together" which was such a great Valentine's day movie. Kezhendong was freaking adorable.
And this movie actually inspired me to do something fun which actually suits me quite a lot:
Date a guy for 7days(a week), and in this period of time, both of us only play with romance and not get together.
Well maybe you could say its slutty, maybe you could say its playing with other people's feelings but to me its more like a training to be the perfect guy/girl for your future partner. Besides, there's no harm done doing something nice and caring for someone, right?
And in my condition now, I certainly do not want to get into relationship, I have my reasons why but I have to admit I have the urge to do something nice for that one special person.
But yeah, even if I wanted to play it, I have to find a right person first, someone that would can could appreciate to be exact and I really want it to be mutual, which means we BOTH have to agree to it.

 Met up with PERVERTS at Suann's house for yeesang and pizza as well. :D
I missed my PERVERTS like crazy, seeing you guys bring all the wonderful memories back. T.T

Organized an outing with the Machikini gang as well, I really did not expect THAT MANY to turn up. I guessed everyone misses each other just as much as I do. ):
We started out journey from Ampang to Sentul then to Gucci's place near Zoo Negara and ended it at Wangsa Maju. It was really satisfying, we got to play my dream kongmingdeng, fireworks and lousang together. (Y) Hehheh, its real great to make memories.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DIY studded and stained ombré shorts.

I finally found my beloved Stained by Sharpie in Malaysia, a kind of fabric marker. I've been wanting em since last year's June and I was jumping with joy when I found them lying there for sale. 
So yeah, now that I have them, let the DIYs I love begin!

So I transformed this long turquoise pants with the help of some bleach and the Sharpie markers as well as some square studs into...


Hahaha yeah, the end product was pretty satisfying. (:
I never thought I'll sell it at first, but my junior Ling Hui really wanted it and I dont really wear shorts often so yeah, I sold it to her.

Lisien gave me an idea that maybe I could do more of these DIY stuff and sell it to earn a few bucks because I'm saving up for a guitar desperately. );
But its takes up quite some time, and I could only do it when I'm free, so yeah, we'll see how it goes.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bits and Buts of my 18th birthday (;

Hehheh ahh yes, this blogger here's finally turned 18th and I'm legal to do adult stuff!
Hahaha, ahh well, it sure feels good to turn 18, but the older I get, the more the responsibilities bundle up.
After my trip to Australia, I've really learnt a lot, and I really want to train myself to be a better person.
So I started with daily exercising such as jogging/swimming/dancing, helping out with the housework in the house, learn cooking, driving and changing the house lights.
I just hope I'm fully prepared to be on my own when I head to overseas next year.

Okay, this is how my 18th birthday was celebrated. (:

Well in January, Machikini went to CEO for a Karaoke session, and they gave the February babies, Joei, You Soon and I a little surprise. (:

Then, on the 3rd on January, which was Gan's birthday, Hewwei, Gucci, Lionel, Wenshi, Yansheng and Ricky celebrated both Gan and my birthdays together at Wongkok in Pavillion.
It has been such a long time we've last met since SPM ended, and wow, how much I've missed them. T.T

We visited Gan's condo as well, I miss how Hewwei drove backwards in the jam right in front of the taxi and the guys raping my iPhone with spam camwhores in the car. :P

And the next day, which is my official birthday my college mates sang me a birthday song and made a huge DIY birthday card for me.
Thanks so much, I really appreciate handmade stuff.
It was such a pleasure to have them as friends, they're so funny, nice and epic. (Y)

After my class ended, these bunch of monkeys came to Viva Mall and we watched 3am together.
It wasnt really that creepy compared to the ones Lisien made me watched, I really liked the 2nd story.
They really made my day. :D

Well, tons more of epic stuff happened, my friends are the ones who keeps me going, I really love each and every one of you with all my heart. (:
Thanks for all the wishes and presents you all gave me, I had an epic 18!