Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DIY studded and stained ombré shorts.

I finally found my beloved Stained by Sharpie in Malaysia, a kind of fabric marker. I've been wanting em since last year's June and I was jumping with joy when I found them lying there for sale. 
So yeah, now that I have them, let the DIYs I love begin!

So I transformed this long turquoise pants with the help of some bleach and the Sharpie markers as well as some square studs into...


Hahaha yeah, the end product was pretty satisfying. (:
I never thought I'll sell it at first, but my junior Ling Hui really wanted it and I dont really wear shorts often so yeah, I sold it to her.

Lisien gave me an idea that maybe I could do more of these DIY stuff and sell it to earn a few bucks because I'm saving up for a guitar desperately. );
But its takes up quite some time, and I could only do it when I'm free, so yeah, we'll see how it goes.

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