Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day3 In Sydney, Australia - Featherdale Wildlife Park + Family Dinner.

Hello fellow readers, its my 3rd day in Sydney, the summer symptoms are showing already.
But the strong wind is still in the air, so you wouldnt sweat at all in Sydney.

Castle Hill mailbox.
See that logo there? Its actualy one of Chrome Hearts logos, and the people of Sydney uses this logo for their fences, signboards & gates. So pretty!

Since the weather was pretty good, cousin Ivan and his wife took my mum, my brother and I to the Featherdale Wildlife Park.
Its not a zoo, its yes a wildlife park. ._.

 Long-billed Corella.

 Kangaroo food. :D
apparently almost ALL the animals here eat the orange MCD cones.

 Adorable wallabies.

 Australia pelican, whose bill can hold more than his belly can


All these years I've waited, I finally got the chance to meet my long lost family, the koala bears!

There's actually many types of them, mainly the Skye, Bella, Brittany, Renee, Minty & Rose.
I wonder which category I belong to. o.o

 Mama koala & baby koala's buttbutts.

Hehheh, I WAS HERE.

 After that, we went to see Ivan's favourite animal, the Wombats.
They're so clumsy, fat & plain adorable.
 Le Southern hairy nose wombat


There were so many pretty birds that I laid my eyes on.
 Sun Conure

 Then we went to the uhh....snake corner. ._.
Indian Taipanrated, rated as the most venomous snake in the world

 Okay, lets just skip this one. I cant believe I saw it with my very own eyes.

 Pig-nosed turtle.
When I saw this I went "OMG Its uncle pig, Jiunn Hong! Heehee."

 Tsk tsk show off peacock, it even turned around 180degrees to let us take photos.

The albino animals!

Scary hungry giant emu.
My brother got chased by a baby emu which had a real dandy punk hairstyle. I laughed my lungs out.

The 2nd favorite part of the entire visit was none other than the FARMYARD.
They actually allow the goats, lambs, sheeps and cows run around in free in contact with humans, real amazing & fun experience. A huge brown sheep almost knocked me down for food. ):

 Aunty Michelle feeding the cow

 Hello Yaeber!


 "Darghh, I'm surrounded!"

 Cousin Ivan & Aunty Michelle they're so lovey dovey. :3

 Pheww, a complete journey!


 Had mint chocolate Krushers at KFC for lunch, its was sooo good. (Y)

We had a family dinners at night, its really warm to eat with every one of my Australia relatives.
I was even requested to do the Gangnam style to earn my dinner. /_\
"long living mee" cooked by Uncle 4.

 Uncle 4 with Billybong's new toy duck.

 Billybong:"WTF these humans."

 Chilli, my baby dog.
Can you believe its only 2kg? Its just the fur thats real BOOMy.

Chocolates from London, House Of Dorchester.
A gift from cousin Kelvin and his wife. (:

Cousin Kelvin & his wife are bringing me to Strathfield tomorrow, where its famous for the Korean food, hopefully I see BIGBANG related stuff there, I dont how but somehow maybe, I guess just I miss them too much. ):

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